About Altennia

Altennia was founded as a passion project, based on the idea that life could be a little bit brighter and happier if you're surrounded by art that makes you feel good. What we create always starts as a work of art. Sometimes it's silly, sometimes it's just aesthetically pleasing, but it always comes from a place of creativity and the joy of drawing. We then decide which products would make it truly shine. We credit our success to the philosophy that good products start with good art. We're not trying to sell you a t-shirt. We're trying to share with you the drawings and designs that make us happy, and give you ways to carry that with you in your day-to-day life.
My name is Ali Dee, and I am the owner and founder of Altennia. I built my career in the animation industry, creating children's cartoons for many years before discovering my absolute passion in pattern design. You can see my roots in the clothing we sell. Taking my experience in cartoons and merging that with patterns and textiles has been a joy and a challenge. It's a very particular niche, but one the world has a lot of room for. Why must we be so serious all the time? And in what ways could we be making our lives a little more fun?
That is the driving force behind Altennia: An alternative way to look, dress and feel. The option to be brighter, be bolder, be more ourselves. What we wear tells a story about us, so we design clothes that have a ton of personality, inspired by many different themes so that what you wear tells your own personal story. Whether it's your favourite animal, your career, or just the vibe you want to exude, our goal is to continue expanding our collection until we can capture exactly what speaks to you. Along the way, we hope to make you smile.